J'aime beaucoup ton site et même si je ne mets pas de com je dois dire que je viens souvent m'y promener!!!! Merci d'avoir créé ce site sur Linus ;)
Bizz Temperence
Love your website especially the behind the scenes photos. Hope you can get more.
Lillian Jen-Payzant
Enjoy the site
Hope he guest stars on some tv shows. I know he has two movies coming out in August.
Susan Rollins
I'm a fan of Linus Roache and I really like the site. I'm from Argentina and I do not speak English but I commend you for the site you have created.
Silvia Fuentes
I am signing in to the guest book. !!
Living in South Africa Gee I would give anything to meet him.
Best wishes from a BIG Linus fan
Glad to be here!
I am a huge Linus Roache fan. I really enjoy his acting and miss Law & Order with him in it.
All the best,
Merci pour vos films,
Je trouve que vous êtes
un grand acteur ,
À quand la France ?
Merci d'avance
Hi site is good
Wonderful website
Mara aurora
Hi my name is Dilawaiz Khan and i am from Pakistan ,i love Linus Roache ,he is an extremely amazing actor .i love the fact that when ever he plays a character ,he not just acts but become that person he's playing .The innocence and truth in his eyes shows his inner sweetness and poise,he is simply awesome
great web page !!!!
Dilawaiz Khan
I love this fan site because I'm a beginner of Linus roache fan and I can know various information about him in this site. I'm from Japan and English major at university.
Thank you for making us happy on this fan site.
Airi Hamada
I knew LR in the "LAW & ORDER".
It is a very nice actor! ︎
I support you from Japan.
Hiroko Myasaka
J'ai découvert cet acteur dans NY Police Judiciaire. J'ai adoré son charisme. C'est un acteur assez méconnu en France mais que j'ai trouvé remarquable dans Priest. Je trouve juste dommage qu'il ne soit cantonné qu'à de seconds rôles. Merci pour votre site qui nous donne des infos sur son devenir.
Fabienne FAVERO
I’ve enjoyed Mr. Roache’s performances in The Vikings, The Making of a Lady, the Batman Film. Just became a fan and hope to see him again soon.
j'ai découvert Linus Roache dans vikings , un acteur fantastique froids , intelligents, calculateur !
j'espère voir le personnage perdurer dans une de mes séries préférés.
This is a wonderful site for a wonderful actor, I look forward to seeing Linus in more movies/tv show. Thank you for making this website!
Karen from Northern Ireland.
A great Actor...He can play everything.Thank you ;-)
Tina Tab Bucco
Un beau site français/anglais sur Linus Roache, bravo à son créateur !
I´m Jesica Cacciaguerra. I´m from Argentina.I´m a fan from LInus Roache because I like.I speak spanish and study english.
I like much Linus. He is my favorite actor. He´s beautifull and very, very pretty!!
I love Linus Roache.
Att. Jesica
J’aime beaucoup Linus Roache, un acteur que j’ai découvert dans "Priest”. Depuis je suis son travail avec le plus vif intérêt.
Très beau site. Les articles de presse, les retranscriptions d’interviews sont particulièrement intéressants.
Les photos sont superbes.
Je passe un agréablement moment à chaque que je promène sur ce site
Claire L.
I have always admired Linus and enjoyed his work. I think he's extremely talented. He can play any role and make you believe in his character. I have a lot of respect for him and wish him all the best for any future endeavors. Your website is beautiful and has great pictures
Leigh O;
Very nice website, lots of good news !!!
Hey!!! Salut!!!
J'habite aux Êtas-Unis. I've loved Linus since Law & Order. :) He has since become one of my favorite actors. I adore him. He's intelligent, talented, and seems very sweet. I'd love to meet him. I don't know what I'd say, but I would love to meet him. Law & Order made me fall in love with his work. He's SUCH a good actor.
Thanks for creating this site!
Abigail Marie Brickler :)
Linus Roache is a really great guy. He's perfect, his smile, his face, the way he talks and the way he laughs. He's a wonderful human I'd be happy to hang out with :)
Aliah Faizal